Videogame created in 48 hours for the 2019 Global Game Jam.
Responsible for Art and Audio Design.

"Home is where you’re from, but as you go through life you make new homes, in other places and with other people. Each new home changes you, enriches you. You make choices about where to create your home. And even though you are bound to your latest home, your previous homes always remain part of your identity. 

We explored this through letting you customize your character’s controls by creating different homes. When you nourish another entity in the world, you gain a connection, and sufficiently nourished, it becomes your new home and opens up the possibility that you can explore somewhere else. 

We came to the idea as all of us on the team have been emigrants and have had to make and bring home in different parts of the world."

Away - Game Jam

Away - Game Jam
